Personal development is mastering and consciously improving one’s mind and body. Personal development in kids is an amalgamation of personal, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.
It is imbibed through nature and nurture, by their genes and environment. According to Erikson’s psychosocial theory, every person passes through a series of eight interrelated stages over the entire life cycle to achieve personal development. Infancy (birth – 18 months), toddler/early childhood (18 months to 3years), pre-schooler (3-5 years), school-age child (6-12years), adolescence (12-18years), young adult (18-35 years), middle-aged adult (35-55/60years) and senior age (60years to death). Erikson’s theory of development considers the impact of external factors, parents, and society on a person’s development from childhood to adulthood. During infancy, children exhibit certain characters and emotions that are developed through their genes known as temperament, which determines their behavior. High-quality parenting and positive childhood play a significant role in growing great kids. Parents influence their tots through simple things like keeping up their child’s promise, spending quality time with their child, teaching ethical values that develop a sense of security and trust in the nascent hearts.
Toddlerhood is the age during which children exhibit tantrums, stubbornness, anger, and frustration. They develop cognitive, emotional, and social skills during the first three years of their life. Disciplining the child during toddlerhood dramatically impacts on the child’s character, and makes them understand the difference between good and bad. They learn to abide by the rules set for them and understand that there is a line of restriction that they should never cross.
Pre-schoolers are the ones who enjoy playtime, broaden their imagination, make new friends, learn new things, and love to explore new places around them. The child, who experiences a positive environment, proper parental guidance, ethical values, and trust, grow into a strong-minded person.

School-age children and adolescents are the ones who are exposed to things out of their comfort zones, which is an also crucial phase in every individual’s life. This can turn out to be a positive or negative one depending on their school, friendship, and environment. School-age/ adolescence causes a significant transformation in one’s personal development, which builds confidence and determination. They also learn to accept disappointments and failures.
A person with a good personality always tries to be honest, exhibits openness, shows gratitude towards others, possess excellent social skills, positive attitude, humility, sincerity, and confidence. Simple ideas can be followed to channelize and improvise a child’s personal development. Teaching the child to establish a positive relationship with one’s self enhances the relationship with others. Stepping out of their comfort zone may be difficult during onset,
but once we habituate it in them, they learn to overcome reluctance with ease.
Staying unique is the most critical factor of self-realization. Be yourself because “an original is worth more than a copy. Appearances make impressions, but the personality makes an impact. There is nothing more attractive than a great personality; its beauty never fades away with time.
Taking one step at a time, slow and steady evolves a child with good character and behaviour to achieve his / her goals.